
Helianthus is the multimedia library for C language beginners.

The C language is as close as possible to the machine language of the processor. C programming allows you to better understand how the computer works. Once you understand the C language, you can easily learn any other programming language.

However, starting to learn C using only standard functions is boring enough. All we can work with (besides calculations) is a text terminal where we can read and write text.

Connecting third-party libraries and building a full-fledged project with graphics and sound from them is often a hard task for a beginner.

The Helianthus library provides you a set of simple functions for working with graphics, sound and physics. So you can create interesting and visual examples since the beginning of learning the C language.

Documantation (russian):


Download links:

Sources with precompiled binaries for Linux and Windows and with examples (GPL licensed):

https://coolbug.org/downloads/bw/helianthus/helianthus-bin-latest.zip https://coolbug.org/downloads/bw/helianthus/helianthus-bin-latest.tar.gz

Sources package:

https://coolbug.org/downloads/bw/helianthus/helianthus-src-latest.zip https://coolbug.org/downloads/bw/helianthus/helianthus-src-latest.tar.gz

Other versions:




Examples repository:


How can i help the project?

We will glad if you will write some code to the core library. Or update or translate the documentation. Or write some new examples.

You may register at https://repo.coolbug.org and send pull requests to repositiories helianthus and helianthusexamples.

Also you can send your feedback, questions, code or anything to blackwarthog by email:

We will glad to any donation too, we have an account at LiberaPay:


And your will take us the great help when you just install and use Helianthus!